During the month of November and December I will be entering all third grade classrooms to conduct 3 lessons on bullying.
The first lesson defines what a bully is. (Someone that deliberately and repeatedly, teases, picks on, threatens, or hurts others). I also review with the students that bullying is seriouos and that it is a form of abuse. Students then brainstorm various methods on how bullies can hurt people physically (harm the outside of their bodies in some way). EX: hitting, kicking, pushing/shoving, tripping and spitting. This is followed by students brainstorming various means in which others can hurt them through verbal abuse (with words). EX: yelling/screaming, teasing, rumors/gossip, taunting/daring, threats). We also discuss how others can harm you through emotional abuse (when your feelings get hurt). EX: threats, dirty looks/stares, when someone takes a personal items that belongs to you, gossip, rumors, dares, threats).
The second lesson discusses what a victim and bystander are. A victim is the person that is getting bullied. A bystander knows that the bullying is occurring. However, there are two types of bystanders: The good bystander is aware of the bullying is tries to help the victim by using strategies. The bad bystander knows the bullying is occuring, but they do not help the victim in any way. They sometimes ignore the situation, or encourage the bully in some way. Various strategies are discussed with the students to try if they ever are bullyied. (Ignore, walk away, use humor, confront the bully, be confident, play in groups (friends), tell an adult).
The final lesson discusses the difference between a regular problem vs. a bullying situation. Students role play how to solve various situations.
The first lesson defines what a bully is. (Someone that deliberately and repeatedly, teases, picks on, threatens, or hurts others). I also review with the students that bullying is seriouos and that it is a form of abuse. Students then brainstorm various methods on how bullies can hurt people physically (harm the outside of their bodies in some way). EX: hitting, kicking, pushing/shoving, tripping and spitting. This is followed by students brainstorming various means in which others can hurt them through verbal abuse (with words). EX: yelling/screaming, teasing, rumors/gossip, taunting/daring, threats). We also discuss how others can harm you through emotional abuse (when your feelings get hurt). EX: threats, dirty looks/stares, when someone takes a personal items that belongs to you, gossip, rumors, dares, threats).
The second lesson discusses what a victim and bystander are. A victim is the person that is getting bullied. A bystander knows that the bullying is occurring. However, there are two types of bystanders: The good bystander is aware of the bullying is tries to help the victim by using strategies. The bad bystander knows the bullying is occuring, but they do not help the victim in any way. They sometimes ignore the situation, or encourage the bully in some way. Various strategies are discussed with the students to try if they ever are bullyied. (Ignore, walk away, use humor, confront the bully, be confident, play in groups (friends), tell an adult).
The final lesson discusses the difference between a regular problem vs. a bullying situation. Students role play how to solve various situations.