Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Career Awareness

Who would ever think that I would be talking to fourth graders about their future? All 4th graders had three classroom lessons with me to explore various occupations that are out there. A discussion was held on the differences between a career verses an occupation. The objective was to research different occupations that students did not hear about before and explain them to their classmates. Students were asked to brainstorm various jobs out there. The lists they came up with was quite extensive!
The second meeting we had was to explore occupations by using the following website. Students were able to explore occupations by clicking on the job and viewing a brief video about it. Towards the end of the class, students were asked to discuss what they viewed, describe what the job entailed and if they found it interesting.
The final lesson again was technology driven by going to the website: Click on career information for kids. Students were able to research various occupations, see how much money one makes in that occupation, how much education is required, a description of the job, as well as view pro's and con's of the job. This lead into some interesting conversations.