Many good books are available in libraries or bookstores on the developmental stages, constructive problem solving, mental health, divorce, various displine styles/strategies and more. The following are some suggestions to help nurture your child's mental health.
- Do your best to provide a safe home, community, meals, exercise, regular check ups etc...
- Encourage your child to express their feelings and respect others.
- Promote mutual respect and trust. Keep your voice level down and watch your tone-expecially when you do not agree.
- Listen to your child. Encourage questions and be honest.
- Set a good example. Model for your child what you expect of them. Children look up to adults and typically mimick what er do. "Monkey see, monkey do".
- Celebrate accomplishments. Spend time regularly with your child and appreciate their uniqueness.
- Love unconditionally. Teach morals and values of apologizing, be patient, forgiveness, cooperation, etc...
- Discipline construtively. Be consistent and fair. Displine needs to be taught to children, and help them learn from their mistakes.
For more information call 1-800-789-2647 or The above was taken from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.